
Huggy monsters

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I am in a true Christmas mood already. On Sunday it was the first Advent, we hung Christmas lights outside and took out some Christmas decorations. My older daughter was so excited about the advent season. We have a tradition that starting from December 1st the elves will start going around and visiting homes at night. They observe the children all the time and know exactly who has been good or bad. If you have been good you will get a little surprise in your slipper or Christmas stocking. It is a great time for parents as well because you do not need to do much to dicipline the children. If my daughter starts to behave badly I just need to say that that elves are observing her all the time and that helps (most of the time). Unfortunately this parenting technique does not work in January anymore. It does not motivate my daughter enough when I say that if you are not a good girl the elves will not bring you anything next December. I guess I just have to enjoy the time when I can leave the parenting to Santa's little helpers. We actually do not have a traditional Christmas stocking on a mantle (we even do not have a fireplace). My daughter has a handmade moose that wears a blanket with a pocket. In this pocket she will find a little surprises in the morning. Elves do not have to leave empty-handed either. Every night my daughter has drawn a picture and left it in that pocket.  


Ma olen juba tõelises jõulumeelelolus. Pühapäeval oli esimene advent, me riputasime jõulutuled üles ja otsisime välja mõned jõulukaunistused. Mu vanem tütar juba väga ootas seda advendiaega. Eks ikka loomulikult sellepärast, et päkapikud ju hakkasid käima. Praegu on lapsevanem natuke lihtsam olla, sest distsiplineerimisega väga palju vaeva ei pea nägema. Üldjuhul piisab ainult ütlemisest, et päkapikud ju vaatavad ja ei too midagi sussi sisse, kui paha laps oled. Kahjuks see kasvatusmeetod enam jaanuaris ei tööta. Lapsele väga motiveeriv vist ei ole, kui ma väidan, et päkapikud ei too järgmises detsembris midagi sussi sisse, kui ta halvasti käitub. No aga mis seal ikka, tuleb siis seda lühikest aega lihtsalt nautida, kui laste kasvatamise saab jõuluvana abiliste hooleks jätta. Meil päris traditsioonilist jõulusussi akna peal ei olegi. Meil on käsitsi tehtud puust põder, kellel on üle selja pandud taskuga tekk. Sinna tasku sisse siis päkapikud head ja paremat poetavadki. Ega päkapikud ka tühjade kätega lahkuma ei pea, igal õhtul on päkapiku jaoks põdra taskusse jäetud üks oma joonistatud pilt ka.   

This year I was invited to participate in a charity Christmas project hosted by Woolmint (an Estonian knitting brand and yarn store). Woolmint has a mission to support little cancer patients by providing them handmade toys and other handmade items. All charity projects that are associated with children are the closest to my heart. It is more difficult to find handmade gifts for boys and therefore I made these cheerful little monsters that boys also might like. I hope these funny little creatures will brighten the day for some kids who have to live with the serious illness every day.


Sel aastal kutsuti mind osalema heategevas jõuluprojektis, mida korraldab Woolmint. Woolminti missioon on toetada väikeseid vähipatsiente, panustades eelkõige käsitöö ja isetehtud esemetega. Kõik heategevusprojektid, mis on seotud lastega on mulle kõige südamelähedasemad. Kuna poistele on üldjuhul isetehtud kingituse raskem leida, siis võtsin omale ülesandeks teha midagi just poistele mõeldes. Need kaks lõbusat kolli rändavad jõuluvana kingikotti ja loodan, et teevad mõne raske haigusega võitleva lapse päeva veidi rõõmsamaks. Woolmint ootab isetehtud kingitusi kuni 7. detsembrini, nii et kes soovib, jõuab veel kaasa lüüa.

This is not my first time to crochet monsters. The inspiration for the huggy monsters came from my little monsters that I made as a birthday gift for twin boys and from a girly monster that I made for my own daughter. I call these little guys huggy monsters because their arms are wide open like they are just waiting to be hugged. The amigurumi monsters have been crocheted with 100% cotton yarn and they are about 15 cm (6 inches) tall.


See ei ole mul esimene kord kolle heegeldada. Inspiratsiooni nende amigurumi kollide tegemiseks sain kaksikutest poistele kingituseks tehtud väikestest kollidest ning oma tütrele tehtud sarvilisest roosast kollist. Kutsun neid kallikollideks, sest nende käed on laiali nagu nad ootaksid kallistust. Kollid on heegeldatud 100%-lisest puuvillasest lõngast ja nad on umbes 15 cm kõrgused.

I wish you a happy Advent season!
Soovin teile ilusat advendiaega!



  1. These are adorable! LOVE them!

  2. These are so cute!!

  3. oh My Goodness! These are the cutest, sweetest little monsters I have ever seen! I am in total love...

    1. Thank you! The pattern is almost finished and will be available soon.

  4. Hi there, am really keen to make these, do you have a pattern available?

    1. Hello Jannine! You can find the pattern in my Etsy, Ravelry and Craftsy shops: http://smartapplecreations.blogspot.com.ee/p/shop.html


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