Last weekend was my father's 65th birthday and what would an amigurumi lover give for his father? Something amigurumi of course! We have agreed with my family that we will not make any expensive gifts for each other. Nevertheless, self-made gifts are always welcome. When I found from the internet the idea to crochet a head with nose and ears as a holder for eyeglasses I thought it was really clever and fun. Most of my family members wear glasses and I have planned for a while now to make a gift for one of them. My father's birthday this year was the perfect time to finally try it out. When I gave the head to my father I explained to him that it serves three purposes. Firstly, it holds my father's glasses so he could always find them. Secondly, when my father needs to consult with someone smarter than himself he can talk to the head because two heads are always better than one. And thirdly, when my father is not at home and my mother wants to talk to somebody then the old man's head is almost as talkative as my father. :-)
Eelmisel nädalavahetusel oli minu isa 65. sünnipäev ja mida kingib ometi üks amigurumihull tütar oma isale? No muidugi mingi heegeldatud tegelase! Me oleme perekonnas kokku leppinud, et enam me kalleid kingitusi üksteisele ei osta. Oma tehtud kingitused on sellegipoolest alati teretulnud. Kui ma leidsin internetist selle lõbusa ja kavala idee, et heegeldada nina ja kõrvadega suur pea prillide hoidjaks, siis mõtlesin kohe, et see oleks lahe kink mõnele minu prillikandjast perekonnaliikmele (ja neid on meil päris mitu). Selle aasta isa juubel oli hea võimalus see idee lõpuks teoks teha. Kui ma selle heegeldatud pea isale üle andsin siis selgitasin, et sellel on kolm eesmärki. Esiteks saab isa seal hoida oma prille, et need igal ajal üles leida. Teiseks on ikka mõnikord vaja kellegi endast targemaga nõu pidada ja kaks pead on ikka ju kaks pead. Kolmandaks võib see vanamehe pea seltsi pakkuda ka minu emale, kui isa kodust ära on, sest see on peaaegu niisama jutukas kui minu isa. :-)
I had the idea from the beginning that it has to be a cheerful old man with grey hair. I had some silky and soft eyelash yarn left from my fuzzy kitten project that was perfect for the old man's hair. At first I was planning to make him a full head of hair but when I started to attach the hair he looked cuter partly bold. It was a quick and easy project and I needed only basic crocheting and amigurumi skills to make it. I used about 150 m (164 yards) of 100% cotton yarn (DROPS Paris, worsted weight) and a 4 mm crochet hook.
Mul oli kohe alguses idee heegeldada hallide juustega rõõmus vanamees ning mul oli veel karvaste kassipoegade heegeldamise ajast alles ka halli karvast lõnga. See lõng on nii pehme ja siidine ja sobis juusteks väga hästi. Algul plaanisin ikka vanamehe peale teha korraliku juuksepahmaka, kuid kui ma juukseid kinnitama hakkasin, siis nägi ta palju vahvam välja poolenisti kiilaspeana. See oli väga lihtne ja kiire projekt, kuna selleks oli vaja ainult väga algelisi heegeldamise ja amigurumi oskusi. Kasutasin selleks kaks tokki beeži DROPS Paris 100% puuvillast lõnga ning 4 mm heegelnõela.
Thank you for reading!
Aitäh lugemast!

Congratulations with your father's birthday. Gorgoeus and funny face you made and gave your father's. Great idea. Gives me inspiration.
ReplyDeleteHave a Nice dat, Margaret
Thank you Margaret! I am glad it gives you inspiration.
DeleteSo cute!
ReplyDeleteThank you!
DeleteThat is just too adorable!!! I am sure he was happy to get that. You so need to make a crochet pattern for it.
ReplyDeletehello! this is very cuteee and you inspire me to make this one for birthday gift to my father, do you share the pattern for makin this one? thank you.
ReplyDeleteI think I'll make one of these for my dad ! Only his lost glasses are usually on his face! And people wonder where I get my brains? ( got it right that time lol)
DeleteThis pattern is just fantastic! Wonderful :D
ReplyDeleteLove this grandpa head. So so cute
ReplyDeleteI'd love to make the old man glasses holder for my hubby.
ReplyDeleteIt says free crotchet pattern but when I clicked on free pattern
There was no pattern there, just a posting about how you made it
For your father. Could you please let me know if it is still available. Thank you Sue.
Hello Sue! There is unfortunately no free pattern and has never been. I do not know where did you find the reference that it is a free pattern. This must be some misleading link that has been added by someone else and not me.
Delete this site says the pattern for this cute head is free.
DeleteHello Julia, I do not know why they say that because I have never written a pattern for this eye-glass holder.