
Crocheted Dancing Baby Groot from Guardians of the Galaxy

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I made big plans for today to work hard on my new pattern (I will not reveal it what it is right now but hopefully soon enough). However, my plan did not work out like it has happened many times before. When I have a new idea that I really want to try out I cannot work on anything else. I cannot concentrate and I must try out the new idea right away. That is why I have always several unfinished projects at the same time. Some of them stay in a box for many many months. 


Tegin tänaseks omale suuri plaane, et töötan hoolega oma uue heegeldamise juhendi kallal (praegu ma veel ei avalda, millega on tegu, kuid loodetavasti üsna varsti). Juhtus aga nii, nagu minuga tihti juhtub, et plaanist ei tulnud midagi välja. Kui mul tuleb mingi uus idee, mida tahan järgi proovida, siis ei saa ma samal ajal millegi muu kallal töötada. Ma lihtsalt ei suuda keskenduda ja pean uue idee kohe ära proovima. Sellepärast ongi mul alati mitu pooleliolevat tööd korraga. Mõni jääb neist karpi seisma päris mitmeks kuuks.  

Last week me and my husband went to see the new Marvel movie Guardians of the Galaxy. It was an awsome movie and really entertaining, it was thrilling and funny at the same time. I am not a fan of comic books and they are not available in Estonia either but I enjoy fantasy movies. My favourite character from Guardians of the Galaxy movie was Groot - a humanoid plant (kind of played by Vin Diesel) who could only say "I am Groot" in a different tone of voice. The best thing in the movie was the little baby Groot at the end dancing along Jackson 5's "I Want you Back". After I saw the movie I could not get the baby groot out of my head. He is the cutest thing and I wanted one for myself. 


Eelmisel nädalal käisime vaatamas uut Marveli kosmose fantaasiafilmi "Galaktika valvurid". See oli väga tore film ja hea meelelahutus, see oli põnev ja naljakas samal ajal. Ma ei ole koomiksite fänn, aga mulle meeldivad fantaasiafilmid. Selles filmis oli minu lemmiktegelaseks Groot - inimese moodi taim, kes oskas erineva hääletooniga öelda ainult: "mina olen Groot". Kõige parem asi selles filmis oli aga väike beebi Groot, kes filmi lõpus tantsis Jackson 5 laulu "I Want You Back" saatel. Peale filmi nägemist ei saanud ma seda pisikest Grooti oma mõtetest välja. Ta oli  nii armas ja tahtsin omale ka sellist.

Today morning I thought that I just try to crochet the baby groot a little and then work on my new pattern again. I was so enraptured by this new idea that I just kept going. I could not put it down until I was finished. Today was a good day to crochet because I did not have to rip it up once. I guess I could have done something more useful with my Saturday but I am happy with this little guy. He makes me smile every time I look at him in that pot stretching his twigs. The baby Groot is about 21 cm (8.3 inches) tall, crocheted with cotton fingering weight yarn and 2.5 mm crochet hook. I will add a little animation of this cute dancing baby Groot for your entertainment. Isn't he just absolutely adorable!


Täna hommikul mõtlesingi, et proovin natuke seda beebi Grooti heegeldada ja siis tegelen jälle uue juhendiga. Ma olin nii haaratud oma uuest projektist, et muudkui lasin edasi. Ma ei suutnudki seda enne käest panna, kui olin valmis saanud. Täna oli hea päev heegeldamiseks ka, sest ma ei pidanud kordagi seda üles harutama. Ma usun, et ma oleksin ka midagi kasulikumat oma laupäevaga saanud peale hakata, aga olen väga rahul selle väikse tegelasega. Ta paneb mind alati naeratama, kui ma vaatan teda oma poti sees seismas oksad laiali. Beebi Groot on 21 cm pikk, heegeldatud peenikesest puuvillasest lõngast ja 2.5 mm heegelnõelaga. Lõpetuseks ka väike animatsioon beebi Grootist tantsimas. Kas ta pole mitte imearmas!

Update! Free pattern to make your own amigurumi baby Groot is now also available.

Thank you for visiting!
Tänan, et külastasid!


  1. This is so adorable! I loved baby Groot at the end of the movie, and this amigurumi version is perfection. Kudos!

    1. Thank you Jessica! I am happy how it turned out and now considering maybe to make a pattern for it.

    2. Yay! I am very excited and will keep an eye out for the pattern! :D

  2. When will the Groot pattern be available?

    1. I am working on it already and if everything goes well I will publish it within the next few days.

  3. Haha awesome! I was just thinking a few minutes ago that I want to try to crochet a Dancing Groot for my friend's birthday present, and then I check Google and find this! Awesome, he's adorable, I am impressed. :) If you do decide to post a pattern for him that would be great! Otherwise, I'm going to try to figure out my own pattern and probably look to yours for inspiration. :) I'm thinking of also crocheting a pot for him if I can get it weighted down enough, and putting wire in his body and arms so he is poseable.

    1. Thanks! I have received so much interest in my baby-Groot already that actually I am working on the pattern already. It will be a free pattern and if everything goes well it will be available within few days. My Groot also has wire in his body and arms so you an change his poses. :)

  4. Please make this into a pattern - I need baby Groot in my life!

    1. Everybody deserves a baby Groot! :) The pattern is coming very soon, some finishing touches left...

  5. Good news everybody - pattern is published: http://smartapplecreations.blogspot.com/2014/08/free-pattern-dancing-baby-groot.html#.U-ygRON_utY. We are Groot!

  6. So cute :) thank you for sharing the pattern.

  7. Hi my baby groot complete how do I show u pic of it?

    1. Oh that is great, please send it to me by e-mail or share on my Facebook page: www.facebook.com/smartapplecreations. Thank you!

  8. the link to the pattern is no longer working :(

    1. Thank you for letting me know. I have updated the link and it should work again.


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