
Tobias - amigurumi boy doll

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A few months ago my friend became an aunt to a little boy and she asked me to make a gift for him. The little boy was named Tobias and it reminded my friend a book from her childhood: "Toby Claypot's Wishing Well" by Jane Patience. In this book Toby was an elf and we agreed that I will try to come up with an idea for an elf (but not a Christmas elf). We discussed that it would be really cute if the elf would wear shorts with suspenders like her brother used to wear as a little boy. 


Mõned kuud tagasi sai mu sõbranna tädiks pisikesele poisile ja palus mul talle kingitus valmistada. Tema väikese vennapoja nimeks sai Tobias ja see meenutas minu sõbrannale ühte raamatut lapsepõlvest - "Savipoti-Tobi soovikaev" autoriks Jane Patience. Selles raamatus on Tobi päkapikk ja me leppisime kokku, et proovin teha kaisu-päkapiku (aga mitte jõulupäkapiku). Me arutasime veel, et oleks väga armas, kui päkapikul oleksid jalas sellised lühikesed traksidega püksid nagu sõbranna vennalgi lapsepõlves.   

Usually I start to crochet my toys from the head. Although I always make a little sketch before I start crocheting, I can more easily imagine the shape and proportions of the other pieces after the head is completely finished. This time I did not have a clear idea how the toy should look like and I started from the boots. The more I worked on the toy, the more difficult it was for me to imagine it as an elf. Sometimes I lose interest in the project if the original idea does not work out. Then I will hide the unfinished project into a box and forget it for months. This time I did not let it bother me as I wanted to see what will come out of it. When I had finished the head it was clear that it will be a little boy instead. I gave him a cute little boy haircut and made him a cap to wear backwards. My friend liked the boy doll and little Tobias will get him for his first Christmas.   


Tavaliselt alustan ma mänguasjade heegeldamist peast. Kuigi ma alati teen ka enne heegeldama hakkamist väikese joonistuse, on mul siiski lihtsam teiste kehaosade kuju ja proportsioone ette kujutada, kui pea on täiesti valmis. Sel korral mul väga selget mõtet ei olnud, kuidas mänguasi välja nägema hakkab ning alustasin hoopis saabastest. Mida rohkem ka selle kallal töötasin, seda raskem oli mul ette kujutada seda mänguasja päkapikuna. Kui mu algne idee välja ei tööta, siis mõnikord kaotan ma huvi. Siis pistan ma pooleli oleva töö karpi peitu ja unustan pikkadeks kuudeks. Sel korral aga ei lasknud ma ennast sellest heidutada, kuna tahtsin näha, mis välja tuleb. Kui mul oli pea valmis saanud, siis oli selgemast selge, et sellest saab hoopis väike poiss. Andsin talle armsa väikse poisi soengu ning nokamütsi, mida tagurpidi pähe panna. Minu sõbranna jäi samuti poisiga rahule ja väike Tobias saab selle kingituseks oma esimesteks jõuludeks.
 The doll is also called Tobias like his future owner and the name has been embroidered in the front of his shorts. I imagine that the amigurumi boy doll is about three years old, he likes to run around and play ball. The doll is about 30 cm (11.8 inches) tall and crocheted with 100% cotton yarn DROPS Muskat. 


Selle poiss-nuku nimi on samuti Tobias nagu ka tema tulevasel omanikul ja see on ka tikitud tema pükstele. Ma kujutan ette, et ta on umbes kolmeaastane poiss, kellele meeldib õues ringi joosta ja palli mängida. Mänguasi on umbes 30 cm pikkune ja heegeldatud 100% puuvillasest lõngast DROPS Muskat.     

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  1. Where can I get the pattern?

    1. You can find the pattern in my Etst shop: http://smartapplecreations.etsy.com

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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