
Cuddly teddy bears

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September is almost over and I accidentally missed my little crochet blog's two-year anniversary. I started the blog with very ambitious plans to post much more often than I manage these days. Nevertheless I am happy that I still have the desire to keep the blog alive and share my adventures in the world of amigurumi. I am pleased that I have published five free patterns on the blog and seven amigurumi patterns can be purchased from my online stores. My most popular free pattern is Fred the Frog and the best selling pattern is Bibi the Ballerina Bear. 98 720 people from 162 countries have found their way to my blog since I started. Thank you all for visiting and I hope to give you enough reasons to come back in the future as well.


September on peaaegu juba läbi ja kogemata unustasin ära oma blogi kahe aasta sünnipäeva. Alustasin blogi pidamist üsna ambitsioonikate plaanidega, kuid kahjuks ei jõua ma praegusel ajal postitada kaugeltki nii tihti, kui ma algselt plaanisin. Sellegipoolest olen rõõmus, et mul on soov siiski blogi elusana hoida ning jagada oma seiklusi imelises mänguasjade heegeldamise maailmas. Mul on hea meel, et olen selle aja jooksul avaldanud viis tasuta heegeldamise juhendit blogis ning seitse mänguasjade heegeldamise juhendit on saadaval minu e-poodides. Kõige populaarsemaks tasuta juhendiks on senini osutunud Konn Fred ning kõige paremini müüb Baleriinkaru Bibi juhend. Alates blogi alustamisest on minu blogisse sattunud 98 720 inimest 162 riigist. Tänan kõiki, kes on seda blogi külastanud ning loodan anda piisavalt põhjust siia tagasi tulla ka tulevikus. 

Today I will share with you projects that I finished already in August. My older daughter turned seven this year and she is a little lady in some sense but she still loves to take plushies into bed with her at night. She had asked me already a long time ago to crochet her a really huggable big teddy bear. I promised to make her one as soon as I finish my other urgent projects and find the right yarn for it. A week before her birthday she went to summer camp. It must have been a lucky coincidence because I made a trip to a yarn store to get something else but came back with brown fuzzy yarn that was perfect for a soft teddy bear. As she was away from home the whole week I had just enough time to crochet her the teddy as a surprise for her birthday.


Täna tahan teile rääkida mänguasjadest, mille sain valmis juba augustis. Minu vanem tütar sai sel aastal juba 7-aastaseks ning mõnes mõttes on ta juba väike preili, kuid armastab endiselt õhtul koos kaisuloomadega voodisse pugeda. Ta palus mul juba tükk aega tagasi talle hästi pehme ja suur karumõmm heegeldada. Lubasin seda teha, kui olen oma muude töödega ühele poole saanud ning ka karu jaoks sobiva lõnga leian. Nädal enne oma sünnipäeva läks ta suvelaagrisse. Oli õnnelike juhuste kokkulangevus, et just sel ajal sattusin lõngapoodi, et sealt midagi muud osta, kuid tulin koju pruuni hoopis karvase lõngaga, mis sobib täiuslikult pehme karumõmmi heegeldamiseks. Kuna tütar oli terve nädal kodust eemal, siis andis see mulle piisavalt aega karumõmm sünnipäeva üllatuseks valmis heegeldada.  

I was so in love with the teddy bear myself so I fought the desire to keep it to myself. It turned out so cuddly and soft and I was sure it will be love at first sight for my daughter as well. You can imagine that I was a little dissapointed when I did not get the first reaction from my daughter that I was expecting. But as it turned out she was just sleepy in the morning and her first reaction was not conclusive. My heart melted when she whispered me before bedtime that the teddy bear is the most important toy for her now and it is worth more for her than all the other toys I have made her before. Now she sleeps with the bear every night. She was so unhappy and even cried when she forgot the bear to her grandma's one time.


Kui kaisukaru valmis sai, siis olin ma ise ikka jube rahul, mul oli lausa kiusatus see üldse endale jätta. Karu on tõesti väga pehme ja kaisutatav ning arvasin, et mu laps armub samuti sellesse esimesest silmapilgust. Võite ette kujutada, et olin natuke pettunud, kui tütre esimene reaktsioon ei olnud päris selline, nagu oodanud olin. Hiljem tuli ikka välja, et esimesest unisest reaktsioonist ei maksa lõplikke järeldusi teha. Mu südas sulas rõõmust, kui ta mulle õhtul enne magamaminekut sosistas, et see kaisukaru on nüüd tema kõige kallim kaisukas ning väärt palju rohkem kui kõik minu eelnevalt talle heegeldatud mänguasjad kokku. Nüüd läheb see karu kaissu igal õhtul. Ta oli väga õnnetu ja lausa nuttis, kui ükskord karu vanaema juurde unustas.   

The big teddy bear is about 45 cm (17.7 inches) tall. The yarn is 60% mercerized cotton and 40% microfiber polyamid, the beige yarn is 100% cotton. Usually it is a pain to crochet with a fuzzy yarn but I was surprised how easy this one was to work with. After trying it out I went back to the store the next day and bought a big pile of this yarn. It is a pity that there were only three colours available. I had a set of teddy bear joints at home that I wanted to try out and the big teddy bear has moving arms and legs. It was my first time to use plastic teddy bear nose instead of emroidered nose. A week later my daughter went to her friend's birthday and I made a smaller fuzzy teddy bear for her friend as well. The smaller teddy is about 30 cm (11.8 inches). I see more fuzzy teddy bears in my future, this will not be my last one.  


Suur kaisukaru on umbes 45 cm pikk. Kasutatud karvane lõng on 60% merseriseeritud puuvill ning 40% mikrofiiber polüamiid ja helepruun lõng on 100% puuvill. Tavaliselt on mul väga raske karvasest lõngast heegeldada, kuid ma olin üllatunud kui mõnus seda lõnga kasutada oli. Kui olin sellega heegeldamise järele proovinud, siis läksin järgmine päev poodi tagasi ja ostsin veel hunniku seda sama lõnga juurde. Kahjuks oli seal ainult kolme värvitooni saadaval. Suurel kaisukarul on liikuvad jalad ja käed. Esimest korda kasutasin ka plastikust nina tikitud nina asemel. Nädal peale oma sünnipäeva läks mu tütar ka sõbrale sünnipäevale ning talle tegin natuke väiksema karvase karu kingituseks. Kindlasti ei jää see minu viimaseks karvaseks kaisukaruks, näen neid ka oma tulevikus.      

Thank you for reading!
Aitäh lugemast!


  1. I love the teddy bears and the story!

  2. And your daughter is totally right ! This is the best looking crochet bear I've seen so far ! Well done (and I guess we all need a pattern for it of course :p)

    1. Thank you so much! We will see about the pattern. :) Maybe some day...

  3. There are so cute, I want to do the same ones!!! Congratulations, and see you!!

  4. Tere, kaisukaru on nii armas. Kas on võimalik mustrit saada? :)

    1. Tänan! Kahjuks ei ole mul mustrit pakkuda nendele karudele.

  5. Beautiful bears. Will you be releasing a pattern for these also?

    1. Thank you! I am sorry, I have not planned to release the pattern for these.

  6. Dear Maarja! This is the most beautiful crocheted teddy bear on the internet i can find! This is so cute! Amazing work! Maybe could you please send me the pattern? I could try to make it. :)

    1. Thank you! I am sorry, I do not have the patterns for the cuddly bears.


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