
Maya the Bee

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I wish you a successful and creative year! I know that most of January is already over and I am hopelessly late with my wishes but better late than never. Right? I hope that I find this year a little more time to crochet, to write in my blog and also to publish some new amigurumi patterns (one pattern will be available very soon in my pattern stores. Keep your eyes open!). Today I will show you a project that kept me busy last week.


Soovin teile edukat ja loomingulist aastat! Tean küll, et suurem osa jaanuarist on juba läbi ja olen oma soovidega lootusetult hiljaks jäänud, kuid parem hilja kui mitte kunagi, eks! Ma loodan, et leian ka ise sel aastal rohkem aega, et heegeldada, postitada blogisse ning ka uusi mustreid kirjutada (kusjuures üks uus muster on üsna varsti minu juhendipoodides ka saadaval. Kui huvi, siis hoidke silmad lahti). Täna näitan projekti, mis hoidis mind rakkes eelmisel nädalal.

Maya the Bee is a character of a German book written by Waldemar Bonsels. Maya's adventures were animated in the 70s and newly produced into a TV-series in 2012. The cute bee and her friends are quite popular among Estonian kids, too. My version of amigurumi Maya the Bee is based on the character created by Studio 100 Animation. I made it as a custom order for a baby girl who loves Maya. I was asked to make a little version of the toy so the tiny hands could easily grab it. 


Mesilane Maia on saksa kirjaniku Waldemar Bonselsi loodud raamatutegelane. Maia seiklustest on tehtud ka populaarne multifilm 1970ndatel aastatel ning uus TV-sarja versioon 2012. aastal. See armas mesilane ja tema sõbrad on kindlasti populaarsed ka Eesti laste hulgas, kuna sari on jooksnud ka ETV-s. Minu versioon amigurumi Mesilane Maiast põhinebki praegu populaarsel multikakangelasel. See oli eritellimus ühe beebi jaoks, kes väga Maiat armastab. Mul paluti teha sellest väike versioon, mida pisikestel kätel lihtne haarata oleks.  

I searched the internet for a crochet pattern for amigurumi Maya the Bee. I thought that maybe I can take the easy way out this time but could not find a perfect one. I had to come up with the pattern myself again (not that I am complaining...). Inspiration how to make Maya's hair came from the blog of amigurumiBB who has a great Maya and Willy (Maya's best friend) pattern available for free. Crocheting and attaching the hair was a fiddly job indeed but the result is definately worth it. I used 100% mercerized cotton yarn and a 2.25 mm crochet hook. The little Maya is 18 cm tall. I placed also a little rattle inside Maya's head to attract the baby's attention. 


Otsisin internetist juba valmis amigurumi juhendit Maia heegeldamiseks. Mõtlesin, et äkki saan seekord lihtsamalt läbi, aga ei suutnud ühtegi sobivat leida. Tuligi siis jälle ise välja mõtlema hakata (mitte, et ma nuriseks...). Maia juuste tegemiseks ammutasin inspiratsiooni amigurumiBB blogist, kus on saadaval ka tore Maia ja tema sõbra Willy tasuta inglisekeelne heegeldamise juhend. Juuste heegeldamine ja kinnitamine oli üks aeganõudev nokitsemine, aga tulemus oli kindlasti vaeva väärt. Kasutasin Maia heegeldamiseks 100% merseriseeritud puuvillast lõnga ja 2.25 mm heegelnõela. Väike Maia on 18 cm pikkune. Mesilase pea sees on peidus ka väike kõrin, et beebi tähelepanu äratada. 

Thank you for visiting and have a good day!
Aitäh, et külastasid ja head päeva jätku!


  1. I'm in love! I don't know the cartoon character but it so sweet and gorgeous Congratulations!!! Such an amazing job :)

  2. She's bee-utiful!

  3. Wow! I love this. Great job!

  4. Hi this is a wonderful Maya and think she is far cuter than the other one even if free.


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