
Minecraft Steve vs Zombie

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Have you ever heard about Minecraft? Well, I heard about Minecraft first about a year ago when my nephews started to draw weird pictures where all the people and animals had square heads and everything else looked like made of blocks. I found out that it was an extremely popular video game that all kids this age (and not only kids) were addicted to. Apparently it is a great strategy game that teaches kids creativity and resource management. You can build absolutely everything with 3D blocks, explore the blocky world full of different blocky habitants and also fight some bad guys for your survival. 


Kas olete midagi kuulnud Minecraftist? Mina kuulsin Minecraftist esimest korda umbes aasta tagasi, kui minu õepojad hakkasid imelikke pilte joonistama, kus inimestel ja loomadel olid kandilised pead ja kõik muu nägi ka välja nagu oleks tehtud kuubikutest. Sain teada, et Minecraft on äärmiselt populaarne videomäng selles vanuses laste (ja mitte ainult laste) seas. Tuleb välja, et tegemist on huvitava strateegiamänguga, mis arendab lastes loovust ja ressursside juhtimise oskust. Seal saab kõike võimalikku ehitada 3D plokkidest, õppida tundma seda kandilist maailma ning nende asukaid ja ka võidelda pahadega oma ellujäämise eest. 

These Minecraft characters are not the first ones I have crocheted. I made one amigurumi Minecraft Steve last December when I crocheted some toys for charity. I wanted to make a handmade toy that also an older boy would like and this seemed like a right choice. My nephew saw the picture of this doll in my phone and wanted one also for himself. I was happy to hear that because it solved instantly the problem what to give him for his 10th birthday. So I promised to make him one. When his 8-year-old brother heard that, he asked me to make one Minecraft zombie doll as well. He had already some games in mind what to play with Steve and Zombie figures. How could I say no to him? So, he also got a gift for his brother's birthday this year. 


Need Minecrafti tegelased ei ole tegelikult päris esimesed, mis ma heegeldanud olen. Tegin ühe Minecrafti Steve'i eelmise aasta detsembris, kui osalesin heategevas jõuluprojektis. Tahtsin tookord teha käsitööna valminud mänguasja, millest ka mõni suurem poiss võiks rõõmu tunda ning see tundus hea valikuna. Kui mu õepoeg selle pilti minu telefonis nägi, siis tahtis ta omale ka kohe ühte. Mulle tegi see ainult rõõmu, sest sellega saigi ära lahendatud mure, mida talle 10. sünnipäevaks kinkida. Niisiis lubasingi selle talle teha. Kui aga sellest kuulis tema 8-aastane vend, siis palus ta kohe ka endale ühe Minecrafti tegelase - zombi - heegeldada. Tal keerlesid juba mõtetes igasugu mängud, mida Steve'i ja zombiga mängida saaks. No kuidas ma sain siis talle "ei" öelda? Nii sai temagi sel aastal oma venna sünnipäevaks siis kingituse.   

I was lucky that I did not have to come up with the pattern for Minecraft characters myself. The pattern is designed by Aradiya Toys. She has a large variety of patterns of video game and cartoon characters available in her shop. I have used Aradiya's patterns before if you remember my post from last year about a Zombie-eating plant Chomper (also a gift for my nephew). The Minecraft Steve pattern has many pictures inside and was not difficult. Although, it demanded a lot of patience and was fiddly due to the colour changes. The Minecraft Zombie was crocheted based on the same pattern and  I made only some minor changes. Both Steve and Zombie were crocheted with 100% cotton sport weight yarn and a 2 mm hook. They turned out significantly larger than the original because I used a bulkier yarn (my dolls were about 25 cm / 9.8" tall and the original 13.5 cm / 5.3" tall). 


Mul vedas, et ma ei pidanud Minecrafti tegelaste heegeldamise mustrit ise välja hakkama mõtlema. Selle kohta on juhendi kirjutanud Aradiya Toys. Tal on poes saadaval suur valik erinevaid videomängude ja multikate tegelaste heegeldamise juhendeid. Ma olen ka varasemalt Aradiya juhendi järgi heegeldanud, kui mäletate veel mu postitust zombiõgijast tapjataime kohta eelmisest aastast (mis oli samuti kingitus minu õepojale). Minecrafti Steve'i heegeldamise juhend iseenesest ei olnud keeruline ja seal on ka palju abistavaid pilte. Sellegipoolest nõudis selle tegemine palju kannatust ja oli oma rohkete värvivahetuste tõttu ka üsna aeganõudev. Minecrafti zombi heegeldasin sama juhendi järgi, milles tegin vaid väikseid muudatusi. Nii Steve kui ka zombi on heegeldatud puuvillasest peenemast lõngast ("Capri") ning 2 mm heegelnõelaga. Minu tegelased tulid muidugi oluliselt suuremad, kui originaalis, kuna kasutasin jämedamat lõnga (minul 25 cm ja originaalis 13.5 cm).

Thank you for reading!
Aitäh lugemast!


  1. Dear Maarja,

    I am very interested in teh crochet pattern of Steve of Minecraft.
    How do I become this pattern?

    Kind regards, Lisette

    1. Dear Lisette,

      The pattern has been designed by Aradiya Toys and you can find the pattern in her Etsy shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/Aradiya?ref=search_shop_redirect


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