
Another Pippi Longstocking doll

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A few days ago I finished another Pippi Longstocking doll. I made the first amigurumi Pippi for my daughter as a gift before our family trip to Sweden and Astrid Lindgren's world. New Pippi doll travelled to USA as a gift for a little girl with Swedish origin. The pattern for the Pippi doll is also a heavily modified version of Rudy the Readhead pattern designed by lilleliis. The pattern calls for a 3.5 mm crochet hook and I made my first doll using the suggested yarn and hook. My daughter has played with the Pippi doll a lot and taken it everywhere with her. The doll has lost its shape a bit and does not want to hold its head anymore. I crocheted the new Pippi doll with much tighter stitches and with a 3 mm hook. It is a little smaller and a bit firmer but hopefully will stay in shape after heavy cuddling as well. I really like lilleliis' doll pattern and my own modifications to it so I might crochet some additional Pippi dolls in the future as well. 


Mõni päev tagasi sain valmis oma teise Pipi Pikksuka nuku. Esimese Pipi heegeldasin ma oma tütrele kingituseks enne perereisi Rootsi ja Astrid Lindgreni maailma. Uus Pipi reisis Ameerikasse kingituseks väikesele tüdrukule, kellel on Rootsi juured. Ka selle Pipi nuku jaoks kasutasin lilleliisi disainitud Punapea Ruudi heegeldamise juhendit, millele tegin palju muudatusi. Juhendis soovitatakse kasutada 3.5 mm heegelnõela ja esimese nuku tegingi juhendis soovitatud lõngast ja selle heegelnõelaga. Mu tütar on oma Pipi nukku igale poole kaasa vedanud ja sellega palju mänginud ning nukk on seetõttu natuke vormi kaotanud ega taha enam hästi pead hoida. Uue Pipi heegeldasin palju tihedamalt ja väiksema - 3 mm - heegelnõelaga. Nukk sai pisut väiksem ja veidi kõvem, kuid loodetavasti püsib vormis ka peale väga kõva kaisutamist. Mulle väga meeldib lilleliisi nuku heegeldamise juhend ja mulle sobivad ka muudatused, mis sellele ise olen teinud. Ilmselt heegeldan mõne Pipi nuku ka veel edaspidi.

 Thank you for visiting!
Aitäh, et läbi astusid!


  1. Your doll is adorable!! do you have a pattern somewhere to purchase, I would love to make one. thanks!!

    1. Thank you! It is not entirely my pattern, this doll is a modified version of Rudy the Redhead pattern by lilleliis. I am sorry but I do not sell the modifications.


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