
Pony girl

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It is only seven and a half weeks until Christmas and it is just the right time to start thinking about the presents. I have also become Santa's little helper and started working on my Christmas orders. I love when my customers give the orders far in advance and I do not have to stress too much whether I am able to finish the orders on time or not. The first gift will go now in Santa's bag. I made this pony according to Pony Girl Leila pattern designed by lilleliis. I love the girly pink and purple colours that my customer chose for the pony. 


Jõuludeni on jäänud ainult 7 ja pool nädalat ning on käes paras aeg hakata mõtlema kingituste peale. Ka mina olen hakanud jõuluvana väikseks abiliseks ning asusin oma jõulutellimuste kallale. Mulle väga meeldib, kui mu kliendid mulle piisavalt pikalt oma soovidest ette teatavad ja ma ei pea pabistama, kas ikka õigeks ajaks valmis saan. Esimene kink jõuluvana kotti pistmiseks ongi juba valmis. Tegin selle poni lilleliisi kirjutatud juhendi järgi, mille leiab ka tema raamatust "Võluväega mänguasjad". Mulle meeldivad need värvid, mis klient poni jaoks välja valis. Roosa ja lilla on nii tüdrukulikud.

This is already my second pony that I have made based on this pattern. My older daughter really liked the pony when she saw it in lilleliis' pattern book "Võluväega mänguasjad" and I have made one for her as well. Nowadays, when I spend my time writing amigurumi patterns and working on custom orders, I seldom make toys for my own kids. I do not have much free time for that and honestly, they already have a lot of them also. I have explained to my 6-year-old that I have taken some time off from office work and crocheting toys is my job now. She understands that I sell the toys that I make and earn money with that. One day she told me that she wants to become my customer and give me an order. She gave me one euro that she had taken from her piggy bank and asked me to make her a green fuzzy puppy with the same yarn I used for her fuzzy kitten. She obviously is a paying customer and I can't refuse her order. Luckily she has agreed to wait until I have finished my other projects. My daughter is already six but sometimes still takes three or four toys that I have crocheted to bed with her. It makes me so happy that she can cherish the toys I have made for her.


See on juba minu teine poni, mis selle juhendi järgi heegeldanud olen. Minu vanemale tütrele väga meeldis see poni, kui ta seda lilleliisi juhendite raamatus nägi ja tegin ka temale ühe. Praegusel ajal, kui ma tegelen suurema osa ajast amigurumi juhendite kirjutamise ja tellimustööde täitmisega, heegeldan ma oma lastele mänguasju üsna harva. Mul ei ole selleks just palju vaba aega ja tegelikult on neil minu tehtud mänguasju ka juba päris palju. Ma olen oma 6-aastasele selgitanud, et ma võtsin ennast kontoritöölt mõneks ajaks vabaks ja heegeldamine ongi nüüd minu töö. Ta saab väga hästi aru, et ma müün enda valmistatud mänguasju ja teenin sellega raha. Ühel päeval ta ütles mulle, et ta tahab ka mulle tellimuse anda. Võttis siis oma rahakassast üheeurose mündi ja palus, et ma heegeldaksin talle ühe rohelise karvase kutsika samasugusest lõngast, millest tegin talle ka karvase kassipoja. Ilmselgelt on ta klient, kes maksab, nii et ma ei saa tema tellimusest keelduda. Õnneks oli ta nõus ootama, kuni ma oma teised pooleliolevad tööd ära lõpetan. Ta on küll juba kuuene, kuid mõnikord võtab ikka kolm või neli minu heegeldatud mänguasja omale õhtul kaissu. See teeb mulle ainult rõõmu, et ta minu tehtud mänguasju armastab ja hinnata oskab.     

For the first pony I used the the same weight yarn (I used DROPS Lima: 65% wool and 35% alpaca yarn) and crochet hook as suggested in the pattern and the toy turned out quite large (about 36 cm / 14 inches when standing). I must say that I prefer cotton yarn for toys and therefore made the second one with 100% cotton (DROPS Muskat) and a size smaller crochet hook. The purple-pink pony is smaller (26 cm / 10 inches when standing) but still in a good size for cuddling.     


Esimese poni heegeldamiseks kasutasin juhendis soovitatud jämedusega lõnga (mina kasutasin lõnga DROPS Lima: 65% villa ja 35% alpakavilla) ja heegelnõela ning poni tuli üsna suur (umbes 36 cm seisvana). Pean ütlema, et eelistan mänguasjade heegeldamiseks siiski puuvillast lõnga ja teise poni tegingi 100% puuvillasest lõngast (DROPS Muskat) ning number väiksema heegelnõelaga. Lilla-roosa poni on väiksem (umbes 26 cm seisvana), kuid siiski mõnusa suurusega kaissu võtmiseks. Poni patsi saab ka lahti võtta ja temaga juuksurimängu mängida.

Thank you for visiting!
Aitäh külastamast!


  1. Hey, I love the pink-purple colour combination! I'm working on this pony too at the moment. Enjoy! Grtz, Ceeke

    1. Thanks! I think the pony is so cute and the pattern is quite easy. I might make a few more in the future.

    2. Yes idd, crocheting the seperate parts is quite easy but I'm not good at attaching all the parts together. It always takes longer than the crocheting. Any good advice?

    3. Assembly takes me also a long time and it can be a pain. But as they say: no pain, no gain. :)

      I always attach different parts with sewing pins first to find the right placement. It is easier to find the right placement of the legs and arms of amigurumi if the body is stuffed. I always leave the head last (after I have finished sewing on the legs). Here is a tutorial by lilleliis how to join amigurumi pieces: http://lilleliis.com/how-to-join-amigurumi-pieces/

      Practice makes you perfect!

  2. Hey I've been out for a while and forgot to say thx for the tip!


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