
Amigurumi angel doll

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One of my old friends contacted me recently and asked me to make a christening gift for a little girl. A handmade toy that is made just for the specific little person is a very special gift for that. My friend was going to become a godmother to this little girl and asked me to crochet an angel doll. 


Üks mu vana sõber võttis hiljuti minuga ühendust ja palus mul teha ristimiskingitus ühele väiksele tüdrukule. Käsitsi valmistatud mänguasi, mis on tehtud mõeldes just sellele konkreetsele väiksele inimesele, on selleks väga sobiv kingitus. Minu sõbrast sai sellele tüdrukule ristiema ja ta palus mul heegeldada inglinuku. 

I had only two days to crochet the doll and that is not enough time for me to come up with a totally new design. I planned to make the doll based on my Emma doll pattern but nevertheless ended up making many modifications to it. It turns out I am not only bad at following patterns written by others (I always end up making them "better") but my own as well. :) I must say that I do not like to make too many toys based on the same pattern, it gets boring to me really fast. Designing new toys and trying out new ideas is what I enjoy the most. 


Mul oli ainult kaks päeva, et nukk valmis heegeldada ja minu jaoks ei ole see piisav aeg, et täiesti uus disain välja mõelda. Planeerisin nuku heegeldada oma Emma nuku juhendi järgi, kuid siiski tegin sellesse väga palju muudatusi. Tuleb välja, et ma ei ole mitte ainult kehv teiste kirjutatud juhendite järgi heegeldama (alati kipun neid enda meelest "paremaks" muutma), vaid ka enda omade. :) Ega mulle väga ei meeldi liiga palju mänguasju ühe ja sama juhendi järgi heegeldada ka, minu jaoks kisub see üsna kiiresti igavaks. Ma pigem naudingi just uute ideede proovimist ja disainimist.

The angel is about 29 cm tall (11.4 inches) and is crocheted with 100% cotton DROPS Muskat yarn. I cannot praise enough the large variation of colours they offer. If only the whole selection would be available in Estonian stores as well. Some of the shades I have bought already over a year ago and cannot find them anymore. The subtle pink shades and the light yellow for the hair are just perfect for an angel. I made a long dress for the angel and added puffy sleeves. She wears white frilly-edged bloomers underneath. The dress and shoes of the doll are not removable. 


Inglinukk on umbes 29 cm pikk ja heegeldatud 100% puuvillasest DROPS Muskat lõngast. Ma ei jõua ära kiita värvivalikut, mida nad pakuvad. Kui ainult meie poodides oleks ka neid rohkem saada. Mõned värvitoonid ostsin juba üle aasta tagasi ja enam neid leida ei suuda. Need tagasihoidlikud roosad toonid ja helekollane on minu arvates ingli jaoks just ideaalselt sobivad. Heegeldasin inglinukule pika kleidi ja lisasin sellele puhvis varrukad. Kleidi all kannab ta satsilise äärega pükse. Kleit ja kingad ei ole nukul eemaldatavad.  

I hope the angel doll will be a great friend fo this little girl and she will always cherish the gift her godmother gave her when she was only one year old. 


Ma loodan, et sellest inglinukust saab sellele väiksele tüdrukule suur sõber ja ta peab alati kalliks seda kingitust, mis tema ristiema talle kinkis, kui ta oli kõigest üheaastane.  


  1. This is adorable. I really think her little bloomers are just the most precious thing. Great job! Now I have to go check out that yarn... sounds divine!

    1. Thanks! :) This yarn is a bit splitty and maybe a little difficult to work with but it is mercerized and has a nice sheen to it. I really love it for amigurumi.


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