Crocheted animal baby rattles

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I have been very busy with writing my Emma doll crochet pattern (that is ready, by the way and in the hands of pattern testers right now. Yippee!!!) so I have had no time to post about the crocheted baby rattles that I finished recently. I got a custom order to make a baby shower gift for a family that became lucky parents for two sets of twins at the same time. How amazing is that! I was given free rein what to crochet. I have already had the chance to make my cat baby rattles as baby shower gifts a few times now, so this time I wanted to make something else. Also it was a good opportunity to try out some new ideas.


Viimasel ajal olen olnud väga hõivatud oma Emma nuku heegeldamise juhendi kirjutamisega (mis muide on juba valmis ja hetkel mustri testijate käes) ja pole olnud aega teha postitust oma hiljuti valminud beebikõrinate kohta. Sain tellimustöö teha katsikukingitus perekonnale, kes sai hiljuti korraga kahe paari kaksikute õnnelikeks vanemateks. Hämmastav, kas pole! Mulle anti üsna vabad käed, et mida heegeldada. Mul on olnud võimalus teha nüüd juba õige mitu korda katsikukinkideks oma kassikõrinaid, kuid seekord tahtsin teha midagi muud. See andiski hea võimaluse uusi ideid proovida.  
When I was a child I always had this weird thought that cats are female and dogs male as well as that bears are male and bunnies are female. I do not know why it was like this but I know that I was not the only one. The same girl who ordered the baby toys supplemented the list with tigers being female and lions male. :) Of course now I know better but I was still motivated by this childish idea when crocheting the baby animals. As there are two boys and two girls in this family I made the kitten and the bunny with more traditional girl colours and puppy and bear with boy colours. 


Kui ma olin laps, siis oli mul selline kummaline mõte, et kassid on naissoost ja koerad meessoost, samuti nagu karud on kindlasti mehed ja jänkud naised. Ma ei tea, miks see nii oli, aga ma tean, et ma pole ainus, kes nii mõtles. Seesama tütarlaps, kes minult need beebide mänguasjad tellis, täiendas seda nimekirja sellega, et tiigrid on naissoost ja lõvid meessoost. :) Nüüd ma muidugi tean, kuidas tegelikult on, aga heegeldasin need loomalapsed siiski selle lapsiku mõtte ajendil. Kuna selles peres on nüüd kaks poissi ja kaks tüdrukut, siis tegin kassipoja ja jänku rohkem traditsiooniliste tüdrukute värvidega ning karumõmmi ja kutsika poiste värvides. 

All the baby animals have been crocheted with 100% cotton yarn, they are about 11 cm (4.3 inches) tall and have a rattle inside. I made for the baby rattles also a colourful gift box and a card.


Loomalapsed on heegeldatud 100%-lisest puuvillasest lõngast, nad on umbes 11 cm kõrged ning igaühe sees on väike kõrin. Tegin loomakeste jaoks ka ise kinkekarbi ning õnnitluskaardi.



  1. What a lovely collection! The dog is the best :)

    1. Thank you! I also like the puppy the most. :)

  2. Mulle meeldib ka koer, kuigi kõik on armasad. :)



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