Two new creatures have been added to the Little Pocket Friends club. I am happy to introduce you Lulu the Bunny and her friend from the same forest - Bobo the Bear. They wished to pose for the picture with one thing that is most precious for them - Lulu chose a carrot and Bobo a pot of honey.
Ja ongi lisandunud kaks uut elukat Väikeste taskusõprade klubisse. Tutvustan teile jänkukest nimega Lulu ja tema sõpra, kes elab samas metsas, - karupoissi Bobo. Mõlemad soovisid valida endaga pildi peale kaasa ühe oma kõige kallimatest asjadest - Lulu valis porgandi ja Bobo meepoti.
The animals are approximately 7 cm tall (bunny is with ears 8.5 cm). For crocheting I used cotton yarn, they have been filled with polyester filling and for eyes I used black round glass beads.
Loomakesed on umbes 7 cm pikad (jänes koos kõrvadega 8,5 cm). Nad on heegeldatud puuvillasest lõngast, täidiseks on pehme polüesterkiud ja silmadeks ümmargused klaashelmed.
These are so cute and cheerful little characters just want more