Bunny snuggle blanket

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The weather has been unusually hot for the past few weeks and I really enjoy it. I would not say I would want it to be like this all the time because it is almost impossible to sleep at night and hard to breathe during the day. Nevertheless, I love these sunny days and warm Estonian summer nights. We get so few of them and I keep my fingers crossed that they will last for a couple of weeks more. I have to blame the summer for not posting anything new for a while but I will fix it now.


Ilmad on viimase paari nädala jooksul ikka uskumatult kuumad ja ma naudin seda väga. Ma ei tahaks, et kogu aeg nii oleks, sest öösel on peaaegu võimatu magada ja päeval raske hingata. Sellegi poolest armastan ma neid päikeselisi päevi ja sumedaid Eestimaa suveõhtuid. Meile antakse selliseid päevi nii vähe ja ma loodan, et need jätkuvad ikka veel mõne nädala. Pean ilusat suve süüdistama, et ei ole jõudnud midagi uut vahepeal postitada, kuid parandan selle vea nüüd. 

You might remember a post about a crocheted bunny lovey blanket with african flower motifs that I made as a gift for my baby's first birthday. It was time-consuming but a very special project to me. Now I had the honour to make another one for a baby girl that was born few weeks ago. I finished the bunny already two months ago but had to keep it a secret until the baby was born. I used the same colour palette for the lovey blanket but changed the head shape and the face expression of the bunny. The hands look also a little different and her dress has a collar now. I would say that I have improved the design and the bunny looks a little cuter this way. 


Võib-olla mäletate minu postitust Aafrika lille motiividest heegeldatud jänku kaisutekist, mille tegin oma beebile esimeseks sünnipäevaks. See oli minu jaoks aeganõudev, aga siiski väga eriline projekt. Nüüd oli mul au teha veel üks kingituseks pisikesele tüdrukutirtsule, kes nägi ilmavalgust mõni nädal tagasi. Ma sain selle jänkuteki valmis juba mitu kuud tagasi, kuid pidin hoidma saladuses kuni beebi sünnini. Kasutasin teki heegeldamisel samu värvitoone, kuid muutsin jänese peakuju ja andsin talle veidi teistsuguse ilme. Käpad näevad samuti natuke teistmoodi välja ja jänes sai kleidile krae. Ma ütleks, et disain sai paremaks muudetud ja jänku näeb nüüd pisut armsamgi välja.   

I fell in love with paper crafts and card making and made the gift box and card also myself. I want to keep this blog mainly about amigurumi and crocheting but if you are interested in my paper projects you can follow them with Flickr where I add the pictures of my cards and other paper projects to the album "Playing with paper". People have been asking about the pattern for this bunny lovey blanket. I have received already a new order for the same blanket and I will write the pattern down next time.


Ma olen hakanud armastama ka paberitöid ning kaartide tegemist. Tegin jänkutekile kingikarbi ja kaardi samuti ise. Selle blogi tahan ma hoida peamiselt heegeldamise jaoks, kuid kui oled huvitatud minu paberitöödest, siis neid saab jälgida Flickri vahendusel, kus lisan oma tehtud töid albumisse "Playing with paper". Minu käest on küsitud ka jänkuga kaisuteki heegeldamise õpetust. Mulle on juba uus tellimus tekile sisse antud ning panen siis juhendi ka järgmise tegemise ajal kirja. 

Thank you for visiting and enjoy the summer!
Aitäh, et läbi astusid ja ilusat suve!



  1. Is there an accessible pattern for the crocheted bunny lovey blanket with African flower motifs? I love this!

    1. Thank you Barbara! I have received already another order for the bunny blanket and I will write the pattern down when making the next one. Stay tuned.

  2. Hi, this is beautiful. Did you ever write the pattern down as I would love to make this. All other bunny lovies seem a bit ugly! This is gorgeous.

    1. Thank you Jan! I am sorry, have not made the lovey bunny into a pattern. I initially had the plan and even started to write it down but new projects came up and I did not finish. I hope I will get to it again some day.

  3. Thanks for your reply, I'll have to try and work it out ...have made a Dimebag Darrell figure looking at other examples so will have to give this a go as it is adorable! https://www.flickr.com/photos/12544345@N08/20101615512/in/dateposted-public/

  4. Hello,

    My name is Diana Cantu and I love this pattern - Bunny snuggle blanket with African flower motifs. Is it possible to get the pattern. I see in an earlier post from 2014 that you were going to write the pattern down.

    I would really like to buy the pattern from you. Please let me know if it is still available.


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