Amigurumi Panda

I love to crochet bears and this time I have made an amigurumi panda cub. I decided to make it black and white - like in the nature - but I have added some colour to it with the bright blue eyes. I think the panda would look fun with different colours as well. I have crocheted the panda using fine cotton yarn and the panda is about 17 cm tall (6.7 inches).


Crocheted purses, pouches and phone cases

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When I got a smartphone I instantly crocheted a phone case to protect the screen. I also like to have something crocheted in my purse. It is a warm feeling when my fingers touch the crocheted surface. It seems that others like it as well because since then I have had the chance to crochet smartphone cases for my friends as well. Crocheting a phone case is an easy and good project if I do not feel like starting a bigger project.

Kui ma sain omale nutitelefoni, siis tegin esimese asjana kohe sellele heegeldatud koti, et ekraani kaitsta. Mulle meeldib see tunne, kui mu sõrmed puudutavad heegeldatud pinda, kui ma midagi käekotist otsin. Tundub, et teistele meeldib ka, sest olen pidanud päris palju telefonikotte ka oma sõpradele heegeldama. Telefonikoti heegeldamine on mõnus lihtne asi, kui ei ole parasjagu isu mingi suurema töö kallale asuda

Usually I decorate the phone cases with crocheted flowers and beads that I have sewn on later. For this phone case I experimented with changing colours of the yarn to create the heart shape. I crocheted and unraveled the case three times before I was completely happy with it. 

Tavaliselt kaunistan telefonikotid peale õmmeldud heegeldatud lillede ja helmestega. Selle telefonikoti puhul katsetasin lõngavahetusega, et teha sisseheegeldatud süda. Ma heegeldasin ja harutasin seda telefonikotti vist kolm korda enne kui olin tulemusega täiesti rahul.

Crocheting coin purses is a little more tricky but I am not afraid of challenges. The very first crocheted wallet I made was a gift for a little girl. I attached a zipper but no lining. Lining although gives the purse a more refined look and keeps it in shape. Attaching the lining and the zipper is a lot of work and requires a lot of patience. It takes me actually more time to attach the lining and the zipper than the whole crocheting process. 

Mündikottide heegeldamine on natuke keerulisem, aga ma ei karda väljakutseid. Kõige esimese pisikese rahakoti tegin kingituseks ühele väiksele tüdrukule. Sellele panin luku, kuid ei teinud voodrit. Vooder aga annab kotile viimistletud välimuse ja hoiab seda ka paremini vormis. Voodri ja luku kinnitamine aga nõuab palju tööd ja kannatlikkust. Mul tegelikult kulub rohkem aega voodri ja luku kinnitamisele, kui kogu heegeldamise protsessile kokku.
The most fun part for me is always decorating. I love to make the purses look girly with flowers, beads and buttons. 

Kõige lõbusam osa mündikoti tegemisel on aga selle kaunistamine, mulle meeldib need naiselikuks muuta lillede, helmeste ja nööpidega. 
I have experimented with purse frames as well. With the frames the most difficult part is to get the measurements of the crocheted piece and the lining right. I have struggled to attach the purse to the frame so it would not be too tight or that the lining would not be too loose. But practice makes perfect and I definately make some more of these in the future.   

Ma olen katsetanud ka kotiraudadega väikse rahakoti tegemist. Kotiraua puhul on kõige raskem see, et saada heegeldatud osa ja voodri mõõdud õiged. Ma olen palju vaeva näinud sellega, et kott ja vooder ei hakkaks kiskuma, aga et ka voodrit ei oleks liiga palju, et see jääks koti sees kortsu. Harjutamine teeb aga meistriks ja kindlasti heegeldan neid rahakotte ka edaspidi.
I think that a crocheted coin purse is a great gift - it is both practical and pretty.

Minu arvates on heegeldatud mündikott väga hea kingitus - see on nii praktiline kui ka ilus.

I love to use fine cotton yarn and a smaller hook (1.75 mm) for the crocheted coin purses, pouches and phone cases that I make. I think it gives them a more delicate look. For this pouch I used a thicker yarn with golden fibres to make it fancier. This one is bigger in size and it can be used as a small purse (for a theater night or a party). It can easily be used to hold a credit card, change, make-up, keys or whatever. 

Ma üldiselt armastan kasutada kottide ja telefoniümbriste heegeldamiseks peenemat puuvillast lõnga ja peenikest heegelnõela (tavaliselt nr 1.75). See annab neile kena välimuse. Selle koti heegeldasin aga jämedamast lõngast, mille sees oli kuldne niit, et kott näeks veidi peenem välja. See kott on ka suurem, nii et seda võib kasutada väikse käekotina (näiteks teatriõhtule või peole). See mahutab vabalt pangakaarti, peenraha, meigiasju, võtmeid ja muud pudipadi.

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Aitäh külastamast ja ärge unustage mind jälgimast e-maili teel, Facebookis või Pinterestis, et olla kursis minu viimaste uudistega.

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