Little pocket friends vol 2

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Two new creatures have been added to the Little Pocket Friends club. I am happy to introduce you Lulu the Bunny and her friend from the same forest - Bobo the Bear. They wished to pose for the picture with one thing that is most precious for them - Lulu chose a carrot and Bobo a pot of honey.


Little Pocket Friends vol 1


It is fun to crochet big toys, they are good for cuddle and they don't get lost as quickly as the small ones. The only bad thing is that it takes a lot of time before you can see the outcome. At the moment I am in the mood of crocheting small animals. You do not need a lot of yarn for that but actually there is quite a lot of work with these small creatures. But this is the fun part of crocheting amigurumi toys. Before I start crocheting I draw a little sketch on paper to see how the creature might look like. Then I take a bit of colourful yarn and start to crochet. The outcome is not always like the drawing but I think that often it is even better. I have several papers full of sketches of little creatures waiting for me to bring them to life. 

I would like to introduce you the first little pocket friends.


Suuri mänguasju on väga tore heegeldada, neid on hea kaissu võtta ja nad ei kao nii kergesti ära. Ainus viga on see, et läheb päris kaua aega, enne kui lõpptulemust näha saab. Praegu olen väikeste loomade heegeldamise lainel. Materjalikulu nende tegemiseks ei ole eriti suur, aga nokitsemist on tegelikult ikka omajagu. See nokitsemine aga just teebki mänguasjade heegeldamise nii põnevaks. Enne, kui midagi heegeldama hakkan, joonistan paberile väikese visandi, milline umbes loomake välja näha võiks, siis võtan natuke värvilist lõnga ja hakkan heegeldama. Alati ei ole lõpptulemus selline, nagu paberil, kuid sageli on see minu arvates isegi parem. Mul on mitu paberit visandeid täis väikestest elukatest, mis ootavad ellu äratamist.

Tahaksingi teile nüüd tutvustada esimesi väikseid taskusõpru.


Here, kitty kitty...

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Recently I saw a video in Youtube about the cutest little kitten ("Most Innocent Kitten Alive" - look it up!) and it inspired me to crochet a couple of kittens. The first one I made as a birthday gift for my daughter's friend who just started first grade. It is tiny and can be used as a key chain or a bag charm. Little girls like all kinds of bric-a-brac and of course it had to be pink. 


Winter is coming!

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Although the days are still warm like in the summer and the sun is shining in the sky, you can feel the autumn in the air. To keep the dampness, coolness and diseases away it was just the right time to make some new crochet hats. My 5-year-old has already the mind of her own and all the hats that I will choose for her will be not accepted. She likes these girly flower hats that I made for her and wants to wear them even when there is 20 degrees outside.


Kuigi päeval on veel suviselt soe ja päike sillerdab taevas, on hommikuti tunda õhus juba sügise hõngu. Et jahedus ja niiskus kontide vahele ei poeks ning haigused eemal püsiksid, oli just paras aeg paar uut mütsi heegeldada. 5-aastasel on juba omad tahtmised ja igasugune müts, mis mina talle ise valin, enam ei kõlba. Need tütarlapselikud lillemütsid aga meeldivad väga ja pannakse hea meelega pähe isegi päeval, kui väljas on veel +20 kraadi.



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Teddy-bears are most beloved stuffed animals. Teddys and bunnys are also probably the ones that I have crocheted the most in different variations. The idea for a Honey-bear came from a small plastic toy that had the cutest face with large chaps and huge nose. The colour yellow is such a summery and joyful colour and does not have to be reserved exclusively for Winnie-the-Pooh. Honey-bear is quite small and could fit in a bigger pocket, his big belly is full of honey. Every time I finish a new toy it must go to the kindergarden with my daughter the next day. This little teddy-bear was no excepiton.


Karud on üldiselt kõige armastatumad kaisuloomad ja ilmselt koos jänestega ka need, keda erinevas variatsioonis olen ka kõige rohkem heegeldanud. Meekaru idee tuli mul ühest pisikesest plastmassist karust, kellel oli nii armas nägu - suurte põskede ja hiiglasliku musta ninaga. Kollane värv on ka nii suvine ja rõõmus ega ei pea olema ainult Karupoeg Puhhi jaoks reserveeritud. Karuke ise on üsna väike, et mahuks parasjagu ka suuremasse taskusse. Karul on mõnusalt suur kõht, mis on mett täis pugitud. Alati kui ma saan mõne uue mängulooma valmis, siis ta kindlasti peab järgmisel päeval minu tütrega lasteaeda kaasa minema. See karuke ei olnud mingi erand.


Introducing myself

My name is Maarja and I am a mother of two girls - a 5-year-old fairy-princess and a 7-month-old cuddly baby girl. I liked knitting when I was a teenager but discovered the beauty of amigurumi and crocheting three years ago. Since I finished my first amigurumi animal - a little pink cat for my daughter - I have not been able to stop. At the beginning I followed the patterns created by others and I would not dare to share the pictures of the first toys I have made with the public. Nevertheless, my little girls still love them - one likes to cuddle them and the other one to chew on them. Now I have gathered some experience and I create my own amigurumi toys. I make them for my girls and also as gifts for other children and adults. I also like to create crochet accessories - hats, phone cases, hair accessories etc. My next challenge will be writing down the patterns of my toys so my fellow crochet lovers could also try them. I am happy to share my passion with the world. Amigurumi is so addictive and crocheting is therapeutic. The pleasure of creating something with your own hands and the joy that these handmade toys will bring to the children (also adults :)) fills my soul with satisfaction. I hope you enjoy my blog and I will see you soon!


Minu nimi on Maarja ja olen kahe tütre ema, üks neist on 5-aastane haldjaprintsess ja teine seitsmekuune armas kaisubeebi. Teismeliseeas meeldis mulle väga kududa, kuid alles mõned aastad tagasi avastasin enda jaoks heegeldamise võlud. Sellest ajast peale, kui olin valmis saanud oma esimese amigurumi-stiilis mänguasja - väikse roosa kassi oma tütrele, - ei suuda ma enam ilma heegeldamiseta elada. Alguses heegeldasin teiste tehtud mustrite ja õpetuste järgi ning täna ma pilte esimestest mänguasjadest avalikkusega pigem ei jagaks. Mu väikestele tütardele meeldivad need mänguasjad sellegipoolest väga - üks armastab neid õhtuti kaissu võtta ja teine närida. Nüüd olen natuke kogemusi saanud ja loon ise heegeldatud mänguasju. Ma teen neid nii oma tütardele kui ka kingitusteks teistele lastele ja ka - miks mitte - täiskasvanutele. Samuti meeldib mulle valmistada ka heegeldatud aksessuaare - mütse, telefonikotte, juuksekaunistusi jne. Mu järgmiseks väljakutseks on oma mänguasjade mustrite üleskirjutamine, et ka teised heegeldamise-sõbrad saaksid neid proovida. Ma jagan rõõmuga oma kirge heegeldamise vastu ka teiega. Amigurumi on väga nakkav ja heegeldamine on ju nii rahustav tegevus. Mõnu midagi enda kätega valmis teha ning rõõm, mis isetehtud mänguasjad lastele toovad, täidavad mu hinge suure rahuldustundega. Loodetavasti teile meeldib siin ja näeme jälle!
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