
Bibi the Ballerina Bear amigurumi pattern is available

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Bibi the Ballerina Bear amigurumi pattern test is successfully concluded and the pattern in English is available. The pattern includes clear and detailed step-by-step instructions, useful tips and tricks and lots of picture of the whole process. Get your pattern from Ravelry or Craftsy


Baleriin-karu Bibi heegeldamise juhendi test on edukalt lõpule viidud ja inglisekeelne juhend on nüüd ka saadaval. Juhendis on põhjalikud samm-sammulised juhised ja palju-palju pilte kogu protsessist. Juhendi leida minu Ravelry või Craftsy juhendite poodidest. 

The same time my pattern testers were crocheting Bibi the Ballerina Bear I also made one. I wanted to try out how the bear would turn out with bulkier yarn. I used 100% cotton DROPS Paris yarn and a 4 mm hook. The new teddy-bear is quite a large toy (42 cm / 16.5 inches) and just perfect for cuddling. The new Bibi bear does not yet have an owner. If you are interested in adopting her, please send me an e-mail for more details. 


Samal ajal kui mu juhendi testijad Bibit heegeldasid, tegin ka mina veel ühe karukese. Tahtsin proovida, kuidas baleriin-karu jämedamast lõngast välja tuleb. Kasutasin 100% puuvillast DROPS Paris lõnga ja 4 mm heegeldnõela. Uus karu on üsna suur mänguasi (42 cm) ja täiuslikult sobiv kaisutamiseks. Uuel Bibil pole ka veel omanikku. Kui oled huvitatud tema lapsendamisest, siis saada mulle täpsema info saamiseks e-mail.

Have a nice autumn season!
Kuldset sügist! 



  1. She came out beautifully. Congratulations on a great design. I love her.

  2. i want a pattern for the bigger one in blue if you have one

    1. I made the blue bear based on the same pattern but I used thicker yarn (worsted weight) and larger crochet hook (4 mm). You need to adjust also the size of the eyes

    2. ok thank you so much love you work keep up the great work

    3. i order this pattern but the writing is way too small i have very bad eyes and like printing my patterns out so i can sit in another room to crochet

    4. Debbie, I have made the font of the instructions part bigger and sent the pattern to the e-mail that I can see on the receipt. I hope it helps.

    5. ok thank you so much love you work keep up the great work

  3. THE PATTERN IS ONLY IN ENGLISH OR GERMAN TOO ? thr Bear iss very very nice lg ina

    1. The Bear pattern is only in English.


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