Do you remember Hubert the little piglet who was one of my entries to the amigurumi design competition "Amigurumi Circus"? I am so proud that Hubert was one of the characters that was elected to be part of a new awesome amigurumi pattern book "Amigurumi Circus" published by In this book you can find 13 amigurumi patterns to create amazing and colourful circus characters from the original competition. The book is on pre-sale with discount price only until June 25 so hurry up and get your copy of this wonderful amigurumi book soon. You can find more information about the book here.
Kas mäletate väikest pallipõrsast Hubertit, kelle esitasin tsirkuseteemalisele amgurumi disainide võstlusele? Ma olen nii uhke, et Hubert valiti välja ka uude amigurumi juhendite raamatusse "Amigurumi tsirkus", mille andis välja Sellest inglisekeelsest raamatust leiab 13 amigurumi juhendit vahvate ja värvikate tsirkusetegelaste heegeldamiseks. Praegu on raamat kuni 25. juunini soodushinnaga ka eelmüügis. Seltsmehed amigurumisõbrad, kiirustage! Lisainfot raamatu kohta leiab siit.

awesome! I got this book and the first one I made was Hubert! He is the cutest little pig!