Good news for all the amigurumi lovers out there! New Zoomigurumi book with 15 adorable amigurumi patterns has been released again. The book is created and published by Amigurumi and it is already book number 6 in this series. I am so happy that I had also the chance to participate in this project with my little Bo the Panda pattern this time. The book looks amazing and I am waiting anxiously for the paper copy to arrive. The pre-sale at discount price for the book will run only until February 25th so hurry up and purchase your copy soon. In addition to the paper copy you will receive a PDF book and the price includes worldwide shipping.
Uus amigurumi mustrite raamat seeriast Zoomigurumi on jälle ilmunud. Seda raamatut koostab ja annab välja Amigurumi ning see raamat on juba kuues sellest seeriast. Ma olen väga uhke, et mul oli samuti seekord võimalus osaleda selles projektis oma väikse pandakaru Bo heegeldamise juhendiga. Raamat näeb suurepärane välja ja ma ootan juba kärsitult, millal paperkoopia kohale jõuab ning ma seda sirvida saan. Raamatu eelmüük soodushinnaga kestab veel ainult kuni 25. veebruarini, nii et kiirustage, kallid amigurumisõbrad. Lisaks paberraamatule saab kaasa ka PDF versiooni ning ülemaailmne saatekulu on samuti hinna sees.
Bo is a sweet little baby panda. He is always the last to reach the top of the tallest trees or to arrive at the bamboo forest where the yummy food grows. But one day he will grow up to be as big and strong as his brothers, and then he’ll surely be the one on top.
The panda was born already a year ago. One weekend I just felt like making a panda and it turned out really cute. Until now I had shared the picture of the panda only on Instragram and I was really surprised how popular it became. It has been my most liked photo in Instragram since. Therefore I agreed instatnly to make a pattern for it when Amigurumi contacted me and offered to participate in the next Zoomigurumi project.
Bo on väike armas panda. Ta on alati viimane, kes jõuab kõige kõrgemate puude otsa või pambuse metsa, kus kasvab maitsev toit. Ühel päeval aga kasvab ta sama suureks ja tugevaks nagu tema vennad ja siis ta on kindlasti kõige kiirem ja osavam.
See panda sündis tegelikult juba aasta tagasi. Ühel nädalavahetusel oli lihtsalt panda heegeldamise isu ja ta kukkus kuidagi nii armsake välja. Senimaani olin panda pilti jaganud ainult Instragramis ja ma olin väga üllatunud, et see seal nii populaarseks sai. Senimaani on see olnud ka minu Instagrami kõige rohkem südameid saanud pilt. Sellepärast ma ei kõhelnud hetkekski, kui Amigurumi tegi mulle ettepaneku osaleda järgmises Zoomigurumi projektis.
Meet all the other 14 characters as well that you can find in addition to Bo the Panda in the Zoomigurumi 6 book. They are all adorable and I am sure you want to crochet them all.
Anita the cow by Airali Design, Carlos the Hummingbird by YOUnique Crafts, Manu & Brigitte the Duchshunds by Little Aqua Girl, Mortimer the Mammoth by Patchwork Moose, Oswald the Owl by Moji-Moji design, Txerri the Piglet by Critterbeans, Bernard the Bear by Elfin Thread, Shawn the Shark by Theresa’s Crochet Shop, Rudy the Red Panda by Little Muggles, Woo Ri the Lion by AnJiyoun, Cedric the Sloth by Irene Strange, Alvin the Hedgehog by Pepika, Kimi the Cat by Woolytoons, Anna the Swan and her baby Peter by Pica Pau.
Viimasel pildil leiab ka 14 teist tegelast, keda peale pandakaru Bo Zoomigurumi 6 raamatust leida võib. Nad kõik on vahvad tegelased ja ma olen kindel, et tõeline amigurumisõber tahab nad kõik omale heegeldada.

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