After a snowless December we were able to enjoy a truly beautiful winter in January. My children were ecstatic - my older daughter was able to try skiing for the first time and it was really difficult to get the kids to come inside. Although shoveling the snow twice a day was really annoying, I hate the rainy days that February has brought to us. The snowy weather finally inspired me to publish a new pattern - Bubbly the Baby Seal. I first came up with the amigurumi baby harp seal about a year ago when my nephew needed a gift for his best friend. I was asked to make a pattern for an amigurumi publication already months ago (hopefully I will be able to show it to you soon) but finally I finished a pattern version in English for sale as well. You can find Bubbly the Baby Seal pattern in my pattern stores on Etsy, Ravelry and Craftsy.
Peale lumetut detsembrit oli meil võimalus jaanuaris nautida tõelist talve. Minu lapsed olid lumest vaimustuses - vanem tütar sai esimest korda suusatamist proovida ja väga raske oli lapsi õuest tuppa saada. Kuigi kaks korda päevas lund lükata oli tõeliselt tüütu, ei kannata ma kohe üldse seda vihma, mis veebruariga koos saabus. Lumine ilm inspireeris mind välja andma ka uut - hülgepoeg Bubbly - heegeldamise juhendit. Esimest korda tegin selle amigurumi hülgepoja umbes aasta tagasi, kui minu õepojal oli tarvis kingitust oma parimale sõbrale. Juba mitu kuud tagasi paluti minult teha hülge kohta juhend ühele amigurumi väljaandele (loodetavasti saan seda ka üsna pea teile näidata), kuid lõpuks sain valmis ka müügivalmis inglisekeelse heegeldamise juhendi oma enda poodide jaoks. Hülgepoeg Bubbly mustri leiate siit: Etsy, Ravelry ja Craftsy.
The baby seal is about 27 cm long (10.6 inches), crocheted with worsted weight yarn and 3.5 mm crochet hook. But you can adjust the yarn weight, hook size and eyes to your own preference. The pattern is for advanced beginner level and written in US crocheting terms. The pdf file includes clear and detailed step-by-step instructions, useful tips and tricks and lots of pictures of the whole process. I hope you enjoy it and do not forget to share pictures with me on Facebook or Instagram (tag me @smartapplecreations).
Hülgepoeg on 27 cm pikk, heegeldatud lõngaga DROPS Paris (100% puuvill) ja 3.5 mm heegelnõelaga. Juhend on sobilik juba väikese kogemusega algajale amigurumisõbrale ja on kirjutatud Ameerika heegeldamise termineid kasutades. Juhendis on põhjalikud samm-sammulised juhised ja palju pilte kogu protsessist. Loodan, et see teile meeldib ja jagage minuga ikka pilte ka Facebooki või Instagrami (@smartapplecreations) kaudu!
Use a different size hook and finer yarn to make a smaller toy |
Have a nice winter!
Rõõmsat talve jätku!

It's adorable <3
I already made one and I love it! It is fantastic. I inserted a child's rattle. Thanks for the pattern!
ReplyDeleteI love the pattern! Thank you!
ReplyDeleteThank you!:)