
7 February 2015

Amigurumi baby seal

Baby harp seal has a yellow-white coat at birth but after a few days the fur turns snowy white. That fuzzy white fur will fall out after 12 days, leaving a darker and sleeker coat in its place. I did not know that fact when I was asked to crochet a seal as a birthday gift for a boy whose favourite animal is a seal. The white furball with big black innocent eyes was the first thing that popped into my head when I started to look for inspiration. 


Grööni hülge poja kasukas on sündides kollakasvalge, kuid mõne päeva möödudes muutub lumivalgeks. See karvane valge kasukas langeb juba 12 päeva pärast välja ning asemele tuleb tumedam ja siledam kasukas. Ma ei teadnudki seda fakti enne, kui mul paluti heegeldada sünnipäevakingitus ühele poisile, kelle lemmikloomaks on hüljes. Kui heegeldamiseks inspiratsiooni otsima hakkasin, siis esimesena tuli mulle pähe just see suurte mustade süütute silmadega valge karvapall.     

I have not heard before that someone has a seal as a favourite animal. Usually kids say their favourite animals are dogs, cats or horses. When I was a child I also had an unusual favourite animal - an elephant. When I was about five or six years old I remember being obsessed with elephants. I did not have an elephant toy and I really wanted one for my birthday. It was Soviet time, the shops were not stuffed with toys like today and I did not get my hopes up too high. Only a tiny elephant would have made me happy. I was so excited when I got a big pink plush elephant for my birthday. It was my favourite snuggle toy for many years. I am not obsessed about elephants anymore but I still like and respect them a lot. When I visited Thailand the first time, a must-do activity was riding on the back of an elephant. The second time I had an even greater experience when we went swimming with elephants on sunset in Koh Lanta. It was a little scary also because the big elephants got a little crazy when they got into the water.         


Ma pole varem kuulnud, et kellelgi oleks lemmikloomaks hüljes. Tavaliselt on laste lemmikloomadeks ikka koerad, kassid või hobused. Kui ma ise olin laps, siis oli minu lemmikloomaks elevant, mis ei ole ka just kõige tavalisem. Kui ma olin umbes viie- või kuueaastane, siis mäletan, et elevant oli mulle kinnisideeks. Mul ei olnud ühtegi mänguelevanti ja ma nii väga tahtsin seda omale sünnipäevaks saada. Kuna oli nõukogude aeg, poed ei olnud paksult mänguasju täis nagu praegu ning ma ei hellitanud väga suuri lootusi. Isegi pisike elevant oleks mind väga õnnelikuks teinud. Ma ei tea, kust mu ema selle küll välja ajas, aga sünnipäevaks sain suure roosa kaisuelevandi. See oli minu lemmikkaisukas palju aastaid. Nüüd enam elevandid mulle kinnisideeks ei ole, kuid ma austan neid ja nad meeldivad mulle väga ikkagi. Kui ma esimest korda Taimaad külastasin, siis kohustuslik tegevus oli elevandi seljas sõitmine. Teist korda Tais olles sain aga veelgi põnevama kogemuse, kui käisime Koh Lanta saarel koos elevantidega päikeseloojangul ujumas. See oli natuke hirmus ka, kuna suured elevandid läksid vees olles ka natuke ülemeelikuks.   

The amigurumi baby harp seal is about 16 cm (6.3 inches) tall and crocheted with 100% cotton yarn.  


Amigurumi hülgepoeg on umbes 16 cm pikk ja heegeldatud 100% puuvillasest lõngast.

All the best,


  1. Is there a pattern for the baby seal?

    where can I find it?


    1. The pattern for the seal is not available, I improvised to make a custom order.

  2. This is so flippin' cute I can't even stand it!!

  3. This is amazing.

  4. Will you PLEASE post your improvised pattern? My young daugbter adores baby harp seals; she had a toy that looked a LOT like this one but she lost it recently and it broke her little heart. It would make her SO happy if I made her a new one. So please post tbe pattern you used; even if its not exactly the same as the one you used to make the seal in this picture it'll get me close enough to improvise on my own. Thank you so much, Maarja!

    1. The pattern is actually now available in my pattern stores. You can find the links from this post:
